水質中含有大量的細菌、病毒、蟲卵等致病病原體外,還含有化學藥劑和放射性同位素,具有空間污染、急性傳染和潛伏性傳染等特征,危害性很大的特點。 隨著小型醫院的蓬勃發展,其地理位置不僅局限于建筑物的地層,同時也在向高層寫字樓、商業樓和百貨樓內發展。污水處理是否達標將關系到診所能否開辦的一項重要依據。由于小型醫院中含有大量的病原微生物和有毒物質,所以國家制定了《小型醫院排放標準》,要求診所和小型醫院的污水必須經一級消毒處理后才能排至市政管網。 小型醫院處理器占地面積小、無噪音、處理效果好、維護簡單、完全達標等優點。使小型醫院的污水消毒處理中的預處理和消毒同時進行并達標排放。 整形醫院污水處理設備十堰
水量 (一)、醫院污水的來源 醫院排放廢水的主要部門和設施有:診療室、化驗室、病房、洗衣房、X光洗印、同位素治療診斷室、手術室等;還包含醫院行政管理和醫務人員排放的生活污水、食堂、宿舍排水。
(二)、醫院污水的水量 設備較全的大型醫院平均日污水量在400-600L/(床。d),K=2.0-2.2 一般設備中小型醫院平均日污水量在300-400L/(床。d),K=2.2-2.5 小型醫院平均日污水量在250-300L/(床。d),K=2.5 K—小時變化系數
三層TPEP涂層越性能主要是由于它將底層環氧粉末、中間層粘接劑和外層聚乙烯有機地結合成了一個整體,從而使該涂層具有熔結環氧粉末(FBE)涂層和聚乙烯涂層的優點,After hydrolysis and acidification, the wastewater enters oxygen-poor tank, contact oxidation tank and secondary sedimentation tank in order to circulate, so that the wastewater is in the environment of anoxic and oxygen-enriched cycle transformation, and the following transformation can be achieved.- Denitrification; converting organic nitrogen into ammonia nitrogen, transforming ammonia nitrogen into nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen through aerobic microbial nitrification bacteria, and then transforming nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen into nitrogen through anaerobic microbial denitrification bacteria, escaping from sewage- phosphorus removal; high phosphorus content sludge is formed by phosphorus accumulating bacteria releasing phosphorus in anoxic environment and absorbing excessive phosphorus in oxygen-rich environment.- Degrading organic matter thoroughly; On the basis of hydrolysis acidification, utilizing the characteristics of rapid propagation of aerobic microorganisms in oxygen-rich environment and rapid propagation of anaerobic microorganisms in anoxic environment, degrading organic matter in turn and transforming it into sludge(3) Disinfection of sewage to meet discharge standards(4) Regular removal of sludgeThe characteristics of sewage treatment methods in small and medium-sized hospitals are as follows: the volume of the oxygen-poor pool is much smaller than that of the contact oxidation pool. When the sewage circulates, the residence time in the oxygen-poor pool is very short, while the residence time in the contact oxidation pool is very long, so that the sludge produced by biochemical treatment is mainly deposited in the contact oxidation pool.The characteristics of sewage treatment methods in small and medium-sized hospitals are as follows: the oxygen-poor pool is composed of adjusting aeration pool and anoxic pool in series. The two pools are connected structure. By changing the aeration degree of the adjusting aeration pool, the sewage is fully mixed and the water is uniform.4. The sewage treatment method for small and medium-sized hospitals as described in claim 3 is characterized in that the sewage treatment station also includes a sludge concentration pond which is connected with a contact oxidation pond, and the sludge concentration pond is e with a reflux pipe.與調節曝氣池連通,回流管路上配有回水泵,開啟回水泵,將污泥濃縮池的上層污水泵回調節曝氣池,使下層的污泥濃縮,也使接觸氧化池中的污泥持續進入污泥濃縮池The characteristics of sewage treatment methods in small and medium-sized hospitals are as follows: chlorine dioxide is injected into the drainage pipe of secondary sedimentation tank; chlorine dioxide flow rate is accurately measured by metering pump to reduce residual chlorine residue; at the same time, water body is sufficiently mixed from the contact oxidation tank and aerated by blower to reduce dosage.6. The small and medium-sized hospital sewage treatment method described in Fig. 4 is characterized by that the sewage return flow R = 1:1, i.e. the sewage circulation flow: the treated discharge flow = 1:1.At present, the total number of medical units above county level (including industrial and mining enterprises hospitals, military hospitals, private hospitals and Sino-foreign joint venture hospitals, etc.) in our country (except Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan region) is about 21,000, of which 1041 are tertiary first-class hospitals, accounting for about 5% of the total number of hospitals, 90% of which are small and medium-sized hospitals below secondary level, relatively speaking, large hospitals. All of them have more standardized wastewater treatment systems, and are e with professional maintenance and management. However, due to the reasons of fund, operation cost and personnel , a large number of small and medium-sized medical institutions are weak in the construction of medical wastewater treatment facilities, and their operation is not completely normal, which is a difficult and important point in current pollution control.The sewage discharged by hospitals consists of two parts, one is domestic wastewater, the pollutants are mainly organic matter, the other is medical wastewater, the pollutants are mainly nitrogen, phosphorus and so on. At present, most of the small and medium-sized medical institutions in our country generally adopt the first-level intensified treatment. The typical process is as follows.The characteristic of the first-level intensification process is that it can effectively control pathogens through disinfection process, but the removal effect of COD and BOD is not good and can not meet the re of environmental protection.In recent years, with the progress of social economy and the improvement of people"s awareness of environmental protection, more and more small and medium-sized medical institutions have built a number of secondary biochemical treatment facilities. The processes adopted include A/O, SBR, oxidation ditch and contact oxidation.As can be seen from Table 1, three biological treatment methods, A/O, SBR and oxidation ditch, all have good treatment effect.However, for small and medium-sized medical institutions, due to the lack of funds and managers, there may be insufficient funds in the actual implementation process, or there may be inadequate management and excessive discharge.Relatively speaking, contact oxidation method is more suitable for sewage treatment in small and medium-sized medical institutions, but contact oxidation method lacks oxygen-deficient stage, so the ability of denitrification is weak. Nitrogen in effluent is basically converted to nitrate, ammonia nitrogen may reach the standard, and the essence of total nitrogen has not been removed.The purpose is to overcome the shortcomings of the above-mentioned treatment methods and provide a more suitable treatment method for sewage treatment in small and medium-sized hospitals. The treatment process of this method is simple, occupies less land, has low construction investment and operation cost. It can not only meet the sewage treatment standards, but also is easy to operate and manage, and has low re for the of operators.,產生油污的行業,污水必須按規范經隔油池預處理后方可排入市政污水管道,在A級及O級生物池內設置YDH型立體填料,其具有使用壽命長(不低于蜂窩填料),比表面積大(比蜂窩填料大),具有一定的柔性和剛性,回彈性能良好
使乳白膠層發亮變軟,然后迅速壓緊壓實。再用同樣的方法安裝另一邊,*將固定片上方往返加熱數次輥壓,一定要粘接牢固,網格清晰可見.在熱收縮帶兩端襯上木襯后,從中間沿周向向兩側均勻加熱熱收縮帶,大家紛紛表示,在今后的日常生活和環保行動中,將從我做起,從小事做起,節約用水,珍惜水資源,同時號召身邊的人一起節約能源,提升環保意識,努力建設和美邢臺?。ㄍㄓ崋T 韓亞麗 王康),在A級及O級生物池內設置YDH型立體填料,其具有使用壽命長(不低于蜂窩填料),比表面積大(比蜂窩填料大),具有一定的柔性和剛性,回彈性能良好,生物接觸氧化池具有機負荷高,占地面積小,對沖擊負荷適應能力強,不易產生污泥膨脹,污泥生物量省,處理效果好,運行穩定不散發臭氣,操作管理方便等優點,泵按額定流量把污水抽入設備內,啟動鼓風機進行曝氣,同時可以根據BOD5